Guidelines for Student Projects
Welcome to the STEM Fair! Please reach out if you have any questions.
Before Your Project (September - November)
Getting Started
STEM projects can be discovered just about anywhere: in your classroom, on the internet, through the news, or from family and friends. You can find a STEM project idea while participating in a sport, playing a musical instrument, cooking a meal, listening to a podcast, taking a photograph, taking care of a pet, enjoying a video game, or even riding in a car. You can also find a STEM project idea when you wish someone would invent a new product or process that makes everyone’s lives better. Bathroom cleaning robot? Virus-removing air filter? The longest lasting battery ever? Maybe that inventor is you!
Paperwork & Safety
All middle and high school students must complete forms. High school students may be required to complete additional forms based on the location and risks of their project. Signatures are needed from a parent/guardian and an adult sponsor who could be a mentor, teacher, or parent.
Forms are submitted electronically using our zFairs website. It is possible to complete the process without printing any paper. If needed, a form can be printed, signed, and scanned.
Scientific Review Committee (SRC)
What is the SRC?
Scientific institutions have a team dedicated to minimizing risks to research participants and experimenters. For the Rochester Regional STEM Fair, this team is called the Scientific Review Committee. It is composed of local scientists and medical professionals.
SRC Meeting Dates
October 12, 1-5 PM (In person at the STEM Fair Social at One Discovery Square. )
October 23, 5:30-7:00 PM (In person at Northrop Community Education Center)
November 6, 5:30-7:00 PM (Virtual,
November 20, 5:30-7:00 PM (In person at Northrop Community Education Center)
November 20 is the last date that the SRC will review research plans. In order to qualify for the ISEF competition, high school students must complete SRC review by this deadline (if their project requires SRC review).
Possible Reasons to Contact the SRC
Your project involves animal or human subjects, including surveys
Your project involves potential hazards (materials, biological agents, devices, activities)
You are not sure if your project requires review
You teacher has asked you to seek additional advice about safety
You want feedback on your Research Plan, a document which should be written prior to experimentation.
Choose a Category
Most projects will fall under multiple categories, and that's okay. Choose one of them. You will put this category on your Abstract.
During Your Project (October - December)
After Your Project (January - February)
Jan 1, 2025 - Registration Deadline
Registration Deadline: Register on Community Education website, pay $20 registration fee, and receive a display board at no additional cost.
Jan 17, 2025 - Late Registration Deadline
Late Registration Deadline: Register on Community Education website, pay $20 registration fee. Students who register late must supply their own display board.
Deadline to upload all ISEF paperwork into zFairs
This is the final date that can be listed as a project end date in ISEF paperwork
All data must be collected before this date (unless the SRC has approved a later end date)
High school students must submit all necessary paperwork by this date to be eligible to attend ISEF.
Jan 31, 2025 - zFairs is Frozen
After this date, students can no longer change any electronic materials they have submited to the zFairs website. Physical display boards and models can be modified until the day of the STEM Fair.
Feb 14, 2025 - Video Deadline
Students must submit a video presentation by this date. See video presentation requirements below.
Video presentations are required for ALL students
Video presentations may be judged and used for scoring. Failure to submit a video presentation may negatively impact scoring.
The slides and content of your video presentation can (and likely will) be different than your in-person presentation. It is okay to continue to practice and improve your presentation until the day of the STEM Fair.
Prepare your Presentation
Presentation Length
Middle School Students: Prepare to present for 5-7 minutes and answer follow-up questions
High School Students: Prepare to present for 8-9 minutes and answer follow-up questions
Many students have a tendency to talk at length, preventing a judge from asking questions. Try to keep your presentation concise and leave ample time to have a conversation with each judge.
Display Board
Students will present their work at the STEM Fair. Students have the choice of creating a display using a single panel or trifold board.
Single Panel Board (36" tall x 24" wide x 3/16" thick)
Provided by the STEM Fair at no additional cost. Request while registering online.
A wooden stand will be provided to all students to hold their boards upright.
Trifold Board (Maximum of 48" tall x 48" wide when unfolded. Typically 36" tall)
Will NOT be allowed at the Minnesota State Science & Engineering Fair

February 28, 2025 - Attend the STEM Fair
We look forward to seeing you at the Rochester Regional STEM Fair!
Other Events
Minnesotata State Science & Engineering Fair - Takes place in March. Some middle and high school students from the Rochester Regional STEM Fair will qualify
International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) - Takes place in May. Up to two high school projects from the Rochester Regional STEM Fair will qualify.