Harriet Bishop Elementary, constructed in 1959, is located in Northwest Rochester and serves approximately 520 students in grades K-5. Bishop is a welcoming neighborhood school, striving to ensure that all students' individual needs are known, met and celebrated. Harriet Bishop was the first school teacher in the area that is now St. Paul, Minnesota. She graduated from the Catherine Beecher's Teacher Training Course for Women in New York state, and came to St. Paul in response to a call for a teacher in 1847 when Minnesota was still a territory. Harriet Bishop was also a writer and a suffragist - she promoted women's right to vote throughout her life. Harriet Bishop never lived in or taught school in Rochester, Minnesota. In fact, as far as we know, Harriet Bishop never even traveled to this area. Yet, when our school was built, it was decided to honor Ms. Bishop and all teachers by naming our school Harriet Bishop Elementary.